Setting up a clinic in Singapore is no easy task. Some clinic owners choose to start up from scratch whereas others choose to take over an existing clinic. Be it opening a clinic from scratch or investing in an existing clinic, there are many factors to take note of.
Some will also ask what’s the pros and cons between buying over a clinic and starting a new one ? We will explore this topic in our next article.
Over here, we look at the factors one has to consider when starting a clinic :
Location :
Singapore , though is not a big country, is still a place with many locations to consider:
– heartland estates (whereby largerly HDB blocks)
– Semi heartland with industrial estates
– Largerly landed properties estate
– Mature estate
– Non-mature estate
– Town area or business district
– Heartland central locations
What are the ‘pros and cons’ of each of the different types of the above mentioned locations?
Which are the factors that will affect a clinic owner when deciding to setup their clinic in the different areas ?
Type of premises :
And what are the factors when deciding what type of premises to choose from :
– Privately owned HDB shophouse ?
– BTO HDB shophouse ?
– clinic in suburban mall ?
– clinic in Major malls ?
– clinic in Strata titled malls ?
– Private shophouse ?
– Mixed developments ?
– MRT Stations ?
– Medical suites ?
– Mobile clinics ?
And when taking over/investing/buying over an existing clinic, what are the points potential clinic owners should take note of
– type of business model the existing clinic is on ?
What are the points a potential buyer/investor should look at when looking at the business model of the selling clinic ? There are many points to look at such as the operating hours, how many sessions, profile and demographics of patients, chronic and acute cases proportion, private or corporate patients, government schemes, TPAs, company structure, type of medicine the clinic is using, etc … and much more
And how will each of this points/factors have an impact on the new clinic ? – How to look at the financial figures ? What is a ‘correct valuation’ of a clinic ?
What should be the ‘correct valuation’ of a clinic ? How should a potential investor/buyer look at the financial figures of a selling clinic ?
– What other miscellaneous factors/points a potential buyer/investor should look at ?
There are also other points/factors a buyer/investor should look at. What are they ?
– During the takeover process/setting up of a clinic , what are the things the clinic owner should take note of ?
* when buying over a premises
* when renting a premises
* takeover process pointers
* Licensing issues
* Manpower issues
* Drug ordering
Etc ….. and many others more
Please contact us at 96719602 for an initial discussion.